Topsy-Turvy Thursday!

Boxers are fun-loving, free-wheeling pups, and sometimes that free-wheeling turns us a little topsy-turvy! Happy Thursday everyone!

 LBR foster Azara

 LBR foster Gummi Bear

LBR foster Ocho

LBR alum Tulip

And just to wrap things up with insane amounts of cuteness, the Candies decided to join in on the fun!

LBR foster Aero

LBR foster Whoppers

Please go to this link and vote for PINK to help win $15,000 for LBR! (You have to have Facebook for this one, sorry.) You can use a multiplier code with your vote to make it count extra times. (You can only use each code once. After that just vote normally, or they throw out the vote!)

JuJYjx (x 100 votes)

TECeGp (x 50 votes)
JD7w8x (x 25 votes)
9vDe2q (x 10 votes)
3Gud8Q (x 2 votes)