Sweet Candy

LBR is already in love with our newest members, Andi's Candies, who were born on Wednesday afternoon! Andi is a very good momma and is doing a grreat job taking care of all her babies! Here she is snuggling with Whoppers.

Sweet little Runts is the tiniest of them all. Here she is getting a little bit of extra help in growing with an extra bottle from her foster daddy. Keep your paws crossed that she keeps growing and improving!

Hey, do you know what would be a grreat birthday pressent for the puppies? $15k for LBR!!

Go to this link and vote for PINK to help win $15,000 for Andi's Candies and the rest of LBR! (You have to have Facebook for this one, sorry.) You can use a multiplier code with your vote to make it count extra times. (You can only use each code once.)
JuJYjx (x 100 votes)

TECeGp (x 50 votes)
JD7w8x (x 25 votes)
9vDe2q (x 10 votes)
3Gud8Q (x 2 votes)

Oh, and don't furget that today is the last day to enter my furst ever contest! Go to this post to see my "caption this" photo and submit your caption in the comments. Entries must be in by 5pm (Central time) TODAY. I'll pick my favorite and send you a toy pawsonally picked out for you by yours truly!