Bye-bye, Runts

I'm sorry to let everyone know that Runts passed away last night. She was the smallest of the Candies and just never gained strength, even with her foster daddy bottle-feeding her. Run free and strong as can be at the Bridge, Runts!

The rest of the Candies are very healthy and doing well with their momma's tender loving care. They had their tails docked yesterday, so they're even cuter! :)

Don't furget to go to this link and vote for PINK to help win $15,000 for Andi's Candies and the rest of LBR! (You have to have Facebook for this one, sorry.) You can use a multiplier code with your vote to make it count extra times. (You can only use each code once. After that just vote normally.)
JuJYjx (x 100 votes)

TECeGp (x 50 votes)
JD7w8x (x 25 votes)
9vDe2q (x 10 votes)
3Gud8Q (x 2 votes)

And... my caption contest is over! Thank you to everyone who voted. There were some grreat captions, but the winner is...

"But Santa, I can explain...."

BOL! Yeah, I sometimes have some explaining to do for the Big Guy, but it always works in the end! Grreat caption, Chris Slaughter! Please send your address to dreagoddess(at)gmail(dot)com to get your prize!