Snuggly Saturday

Hooray for weekends!! It's supposed to be a wonderful one here in Texas. Our high yesterday was a record-breaking 104 (ouch!), but today it's only supposed to be in the 80s. Hooray for fall at long last!!

Let's enjoy those lazy weekend days snuggling with LBR dogs!

LBR alum Addy and Zeus

LBR alum Chico and his new sissy Maggie

LBR foster Aspen and LBR alum Josi

LBR foster Lolly Pop using her foster brother LBR alum TyBo's "pillow"!

 LBR alum Diego and Noel

LBR fosters Weego and Bexar

And let's end with a very happy 10 week birthday to Baby Austin!

"I'z not a baby anymore!"