Wordy Wednesday

Sorry, guys, I can't be Wordless today because there's too much IMPAWTANT Olympics news to talk about!

Sporting my pawsome official Team USA bandana courtesy of Iams. Thanks Oskar!

Today is the LAST DAY you can get in your Olympics entries!  They must be in by midnight tonight (host's local time).

Send your KEEP AWAY entries to me at dreagoddess(at)gmail(dot)com. Please give me the name of all competitors and a link to your blog if you have one! Remember you can only have ONE entry per competitor. The deadline is TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT (Central US time), so you'd better get to it!

Entries received so far:

Dachshund Nola and Boston (http://dachshundnola.blogspot.com)
Declan (http://www.declansdogsblog.co.uk)
Reuben & Gretchen (floppytonguejoy.blogspot.com)
Puddles (http://wethreedoxies.blogspot.com)  
Lassiter Chase & Benjamin ( www.lassiterchase.blogspot.com)
You can see a list of the ENTIRE Blogville Olympics schedule PLUS the email addresses to send your entries into on Frankie Furter's post here
Pees: Don't furget that LBR has a pawsome new e-book, featuring stories of our foster dogs and volunteers, including yours truly! You can buy the Kindle-version from Amazon.com here, or if you have a Nook, you can get it at Barnes & Noble here. It's only $7.50 for 135 pages of boxer-y goodness!