I ran (and walked) 12 miles today!

Admittedly this is not the best photo of me but after running (and walking) 12 miles I just went with the first photo I took! Today was my last "long" run before the Savannah Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon on November 5th. You'd think since this is my fourth 1/2 marathon running would be old hat. To a certain extent it is but during my training I am constantly trying to find new ways to challenge myself.  

Today for the first 5 miles or so I ran fairly hard for 10-11 minutes and walked for about 30 seconds. This is a great combo and I'm hoping that on race day I'll be able to keep it up. But by mile 9 I'd run out of water and out of steam. It was a struggle from that point. I know I should have had some fuel to keep me going - lesson learned. On long runs be sure to have my energy jelly beans on hand otherwise I'm in trouble. 

Although I hate to even say it, I believe that this 1/2 marathon I will set a PR. We will see but I am going to hook up with another woman running the 1/2 marathon with Race & Relax and I'm sure we will finish  significantly faster than I ever have before. 

At the end of the time for me running these races is all about finishing - and the bling of course! I'm setting my sights on a PR but I will certainly be happy any way it pans out just crossing the finish line! 
This time around I'm running to Beat Cancer and each step I take is a step closer to winning the fight! 

Speaking of which, I'm about $450 away from my fundraising goal and I implore you to join me in the fight by donating today! I really want to make my goal by Friday so I can just focus on getting my mind right for my upcoming race! Any amount helps!!!!